Home Worship – Sunday October 4, 2020

Good Evening Everyone,

This Sunday October 4 we continue with Livestreamed Worship, as we’ve had postpone our plans for in-person services. For the time being we will continue with live online worship Sunday morning with edited recordings available Sunday afternoon.

Our Home Worship service for this week will go live on YouTube at 10:30am. The words to the songs in the service will be on the screen. The service continues to be available by telephone for those without internet access.

This week and next we’ll be making a quick tour of the book of Exodus, which begins the story of how God freed his people from slavery in Egypt and led them safely to the Promised Land. The Big God Theme for the day will be introduced in the Family Worship video, and then be expanded upon in the adult message in the live service. This week the theme is “God Frees”.

Order of Service


Gathering Music


Family Worship Video“God Frees” (available at 9:00am)

Worship Recording

Call to Worship – Psalm 146:5-10 (NRSV)

Opening Prayer

Hymn – “Praise to the Lord, The Almighty” #321

Old Testament – Exodus 1:8-14; 3:7-10; 7:1-5 & 12:29-32 (NIV)

Gospel Reading – John 8:31-38 (NIV)

Message – “Freedom & Slavery”

Song: “Great Things”

Closing Prayer & Blessing


    • Postponement of In-Person Worship: The Reopening Taskforce and Session will be evaluating the public health situation again the week after Thanksgiving. However, with the Ontario government declaring that we are in the second wave of the pandemic and increasing public health measures it may be some time before we are able to resume in-person services. Session will keep the congregation updated regularly as things develop.
    • Sunday October 11 will be a Zoom Communion Service. Be sure to pick up some grape juice and bread (or crackers) when you do your grocery shopping this week.


Grace and Peace,
