Home Worship – Sunday July 4, 2021

This Sunday July 4, 2021, we conclude our exploration of the Book of Revelation and come to the end of God’s great story in the Bible with a vision of hope for a new Creation. Our theme for the day is “Jesus Makes Everything New.”

Our Home Worship service for this week will go live on YouTube at 10:30am. The service continues to be available by telephone for those without internet access. An edited version of the service will be available at 1:00pm on Sunday.

Order of Service

Gathering Music

Family Worship: “Jesus Makes Everything New” (available at 9:00am)

Home Worship Recording

Call to Worship – Psalm 150

Opening Prayer

Hymn: “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” #371

New Testament Reading – Revelation 21 & 22 (selections)

Gospel Reading – Luke 13:18-21

Message – “Revelation: The End and the Beginning”

Song: “Build Your Kingdom Here”

We Respond to God’s Generosity

Closing Prayers & Blessing


    • Rev. Read will be vacation from July 5 to August 2. The next St. Andrew’s online service will be on Sunday August 8.
    • Sunday Worship Options for July 11 to August 1: Over the next few weeks we encourage you to connect to the online services from Knox Presbyterian Church in Waterdown (https://www.knoxwaterdown.ca/) and Family Church of Heritage Green (http://www.familychurch.life/familychurch/home.jsp).
    • Going Deeper (Study Resources): The Bible Project has an excellent video on how to read Apocalyptic Literature in the Bible – Revelation and other books like Daniel and Ezekiel. You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/UNDX4tUdj1Y and find a study guide and other resources here: https://bibleproject.com/explore/video/apocalyptic-literature/
    • Update on Reopening St. Andrew’s: Session has tentatively set August 22 as the date for a ‘soft’ reopening of our in-person worship service. This will be a more limited worship gathering to ease us into being back together. Our hope is to return to something approaching a normal in person service by the first Sunday in September. We  will review the situation in the first week of August and finalize our plans at that time.
    • Summer Mission Focus: This summer the Mission Team is encouraging our St. Andrew’s Church Family to support the Kenora Fellowship Centre. The Centre is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC) that supports Indigenous people in the Kenora area, which was home to one of the two Residential Schools operated by the PCC after 1925. Ministries like the Kenora Fellowship Centre are part of our commitment to Reconciliation and repairing the harm done by the Residential Schools. You can learn more and donate directly here: https://fellowshipcentre.wixsite.com/kenora