Alpha at St. Andrew’s
Alpha is on hold at St. Andrew’s for the time being. We hope to offer it again (either online or in-person or a blend of both) some time after we have returned to in-person worship services.
What is Alpha?
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith. It’s also a great way to develop meaningful friendships with people from all backgrounds and perspectives.
Who’s it for?
It’s for everyone. Whether you’re just someone with questions about life and faith, or see yourself as a Christian but haven’t been to church in a while, you’re welcome. In fact, Alpha is designed especially for those who aren’t part of a church. Each session looks at a different question and is designed to create conversation. It’s an open, informal, and honest space to explore and discuss life’s big questions together.
How does it work?
Our Alpha will run for 11 Wednesdays. There is also a retreat in the second half of the course that runs over a Friday evening and all day on Saturday. Each session includes food, a short video talk, and a discussion where you can share your thoughts and ask questions. Dinner starts at 6:30, video talk and discussion at 7:00 and departure at 8:00.
How much is it?
It’s free. The meal is always on us, and the environment is warm, welcoming, and no pressure. We encourage you to come to the first session to check it out. We’d love you to stay for the full eleven weeks, but if you don’t think Alpha’s for you we’re just happy to have met you and shared a good meal.
How do I sign up?
To register just email
If you have questions you can contact our Minister, John Read at