Church Funds

Here at St. Andrew’s we offer a variety of ways for people to support our mission. This page provides a summary of the monetary funds that have been established to support both the overall work of the church as well as specific ministries and programs.
For more detailed information you can look up the full Terms of Reference for St. Andrew’s Monetary Funds. This document is available in print or electronic form from the Church Office. If you have questions about these funds or financial matters within our congregation, please contact the office.

General Operating Fund

This fund provides for the ongoing ministries and mission work of the congregation and the budget approved at the Congregation’s Annual Meeting. All undesignated gifts to the church, as well as regular gifts designated as ‘Our Church’ on offering envelopes and pre-authorized remittance (PAR) go to this fund by default.

Reserve Fund

This fund accumulates funds to help finance major capital projects, renovations or repairs to the church facilities; as well for as the purchase or replacement of furniture or equipment not included in the annual budget.

Building Fund

This special fund was created to finance the Accessibility Project of St. Andrew’s in 2015 that was completed in November of 2018 with the construction of a new accessible lobby and lift as well as other renovations to the church building. The majority of this $1.6 million project has already been funded, but as of December 2024 there remains $34,000 outstanding.

Christian Education Fund

This fund supports St. Andrew’s Christian Education ministry above and beyond the annual budget. It allows for the launch of new ministries, supports special programs (such as the Alpha
Course), as well as providing for the improvement of the facilities and equipment used for education.

Mission Fund

This fund supports ongoing and special mission projects organized by the St. Andrew’s Mission Team. This includes outreach activities and service to the local community and larger world (directly by the church and by supporting other mission partners and service agencies).

Presbyterians Sharing Fund

This fund is for designated gifts to Presbyterians Sharing (the national mission fund of the Presbyterian Church in Canada). All gifts will be transmitted to Presbyterians Sharing in the year that they are made.

Music Worship Fund

This fund supports the music and worship ministry of St. Andrew’s above and beyond the resources allocated the annual budget. This includes the purchase of music, instruments, and audio-visual equipment.

Pastoral Care Fund

This fund supports the ministry of Pastoral Care. This includes the funeral reception ministry, cards and gifts to those in special need of care at Christmas and Easter, and new ministries or programs that support mutual care within the congregation.

Benevolent Fund

This fund provides support and relief in a confidential manner for persons in the congregation and from the broader community in time of crisis or need.

Endowment Fund

This fund allows church members and friends of St. Andrew’s Church to make an enduring gift that will support the future ministry of the church. Such gifts may include: bequests (wills and life insurance), RRSPs and RRIFS, stocks, bonds, and other gifts drawn from accumulated assets.
Enduring gifts may be made to the General Endowment Fund or to one of the Designated Funds listed in this brochure. All monies placed in the Endowment will become principal that will be safeguarded for long-term investment. Income from the Endowment will be divided between the General Operating Fund (47.5%) and the Reserve Fund (47.5%), with a portion (5.0%) being reinvested to grow the principal.
For further details on the Endowment Fund, including the investment approach, asset mix and the distinctions between designated and undesignated gifts please see the full terms of reference.