Sermon for Sunday December 15th, 2024

On December 15, the Third Sunday of Advent we explored section 9 of Living Faith (The Church Reaches Out). We reflected on the mission of the church, looking at how this involves sharing our faith with those who do not have a faith, as well as how we relate to those with a different faith.

This is part of a series on Living Faith, one of the faith statements of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Our guiding scripture for this week is Luke 1:57-80. Another passage referenced in this message is Acts 17:16-33.

This message also refers to the beloved Christmas classic, “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” While it’s not broadcast on TV anymore you can find it on Apple TV+. Unfortunately the free watching period is now over, but you can always sign up for a free 7-day trial and still save your Christmas pennies.

You can find the full text of Living Faith HERE.

St. Andrew’s Music ~ December 15th, 2024

Music for the 3rd Sunday of Advent, Sunday December 15, 2024

“Joy to the World (The Lord is Come)”
Words: Bryan Sharpe | Isaac Watts
© Words: Public Domain; Music: 2024 The Lorenz Corporation
Used by Permission CCLI License
#3046584 | CCLI Streaming # 20546703 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Ancaster

St. Andrew’s Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service – Tuesday December 24 at 7:00pm

Please join on Christmas Eve for a service of lessons, carols, and special music from the St. Andrew’s Choir and Music Team. Be sure to invite your family and friends as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

St. Andrew’s Quiet Christmas Service

Quiet Christmas Service – Wednesday December 18 at 7:00pm

While Christmas is a time of joy, it can also be a difficult time of year for many people. The effect of shortened days, seasonal stress, or the loss of loved ones can leave us feeling out of step with the holiday cheer. A Quiet Christmas service makes space to find some calm and care in the middle of all the busyness. Join us and our friends from Ancaster Village Church as we reflect on the good news that Christ comes as light in the darkness.

St. Andrew’s Music ~ December 8th, 2024

Music for the 2nd Sunday of Advent, Sunday December 8, 2024

Words: Randy Vader & Rose Aspinall | Music: Jay Rouse
©2012 PraiseGathering Music Group.
Used by Permission CCLI License
#3046584 | CCLI Streaming # 20546703 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Ancaster

Sermon for Sunday December 8th, 2024

On December 8, the Second Sunday of Advent we explored section 8 of Living Faith (Life in Christ). We looked at what practicing the way of Jesus looks like in everyday life and how this connects to the Advent theme of Peace. Our guiding scriptures for this week are Romans 12:1-2, 9-21 and Matthew 7:21-29.

The video on the Biblical theme of Peace included in this message is from Bible Project. They have a full series of short videos on the four themes of Advent (Hope, Peace, Joy, Love) that you can find HERE.

You can find the full text of Living Faith HERE.

St. Andrew’s Music ~ December 1st, 2024

Music for the 1st Sunday of Advent, December 1, 2024

“How Far Is It To Bethlehem?”
Words: Francis Chesterton(1869-1938)
Music: English Taditional | Tune: Stowey
Words & Music: Public Domain

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Ancaster

Sermon for Sunday December 1st, 2024

On December 1, the First Sunday of Advent we explored section 7 of Living Faith (God’s Church). We reflected on the questions, “What is the Church?” and “What is it for?” as well as how this connects to the Advent theme of Hope.

This is part of a series on Living Faith, one of the faith statements of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Our guiding scriptures for this week are Psalm 67 and Matthew 28:16-20.

The two songs mentioned in the message are:

We Are The Church’ by Richard Avery and Donald Marsh:…

‘Build Your Kingdom Here’ by Rend Collective:    • Rend Collective – Build Your Kingdom …  

Here are some highlights from section 7 of Living Faith (the full section can be looked up in the link at the bottom).

Chapter Seven – God’s Church

7.1 The Church 7.1.1 The church is Christ together with his people called both to worship and to serve him in all of life.
7.1.2 The church is one. It is one family under God whose purpose it is to unite all people in Jesus Christ.
7.1.3 The church is holy. It is set apart by God through the Holy Spirit to be a chosen people in the world.
7.1.4 The church is catholic. It is universal, including all people of all time who affirm the Christian Faith.
7.1.5 The church is apostolic. It is founded on Christ and the apostles and is in continuity with their teachings.
7.1.6 The church is in constant need of reform because of the failure and sin which mark its life in every age. The church is present when the Word is truly preached, the sacraments rightly administered, and as it orders its life according to the word of God.

7.2 Ministry
7.2.1 The Lord continues his ministry in and through the church. All Christians are called to participate in the ministry of Christ. As his body on earth we all have gifts to use in the church and in the world to the glory of Christ, our King and Head.

7.3 Worship
7.3.1 The church lives to praise God. We have no higher calling than to offer the worship that belongs to God day by day, Sunday by Sunday.
7.3.3 Worship draws us into the work of Christ. Even now he intercedes for the world to which he came and for which he died. In union with him, the church prays for the healing and the salvation of the world.
7.3.4 Blessing and honour and glory and power be to our God for ever and ever!

You can find the full text of Living Faith here:…

Minister: Rev. John T. Read

Sermon for Sunday November 24th, 2024

On Sunday November 24 we explored section 6 of Living Faith (Faith). We reflected on the nature of both faith and doubt and how a church can be a community where people can grow deeper in faith, yet also be a safe place for people with struggles, questions and doubts.

This is the eighth in a series on Living Faith, one of the faith statements of the Presbyterian Church. Our guiding scriptures for this week are Psalm 13, Psalm 42 and Mark 9:14-29.

This message refers to recent U.S. research on the phenomenon of ‘deconstruction’ among Christians, former Christians and other people of faith. You can find it here:…

For a perspective on what’s happening here in Canada you can go here:…

This message reflects on Living Faith section 6.

Chapter Six – Faith

6.1 Faith
6.1.1 Faith is a gift of God constantly renewed in Word and Sacrament and in the shared life of God’s people. It is trust in God, involves personal repentance of sin, acceptance of Jesus Christ as Saviour, and commitment to him as Lord. It includes assent to the truth of the Gospel. By faith we receive the very life of God into our lives and joyfully discover that God knows, loves, and pardons us.
6.1.2 God brings us to faith in many ways. We may have trusted in God from childhood; or our faith may have come later in life. Faith may come suddenly or only after a struggle to believe. Whatever the spiritual journey we have traveled, God honours our faith, great or small.
6.1.3 Faith is a response to God’s presence in the midst of life. It says “yes” to the God who is here.

6.2 Doubt
6.2.1 We are not always certain that God is with us. At times God calls us to live in this world without experiencing the divine presence, often discerning God’s nearness only as we look back. At other times God seems absent in order that our faith may be tested. Through such struggle we mature in faith. God may also chasten and strengthen us through the hard circumstances of life.
6.2.2 Questioning may be a sign of growth. It may also be disobedience: we must be honest with ourselves.

Since we are to love God with our minds, as well as our hearts, the working through of doubt is part of our growth in faith. The church includes many who struggle with doubt. Jesus accepted the man who prayed: “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.”

6.2.3 Though the strength of our faith may vary and in many ways be assailed and weakened, yet we may find assurance in Christ through confidence in his word, the sacraments of his church, and the work of his Spirit.

You can find the full text of Living Faith here:…

Minister: Rev. John T. Read

Sermon for Sunday November 17th, 2024

On Sunday November 17 we explored how section 5 of Living Faith (The Bible) and considered: What is the Bible? How can it be God’s Word for us today? What does it mean to say that the Bible has ‘authority’?

This is the seventh in a series on Living Faith, one of the faith statements of the Presbyterian Church. Our guiding scriptures for this week are Psalm 19 and John 1:1-18

This message reflects on Living Faith section 5.

Chapter Five – The Bible

5.1 The Bible has been given to us by the inspiration of God to be the rule of faith and life. It is the standard of all doctrine by which we must test any word that comes to us from church, world, or inner experience. We subject to its judgment all we believe and do. Through the Scriptures the church is bound only to Jesus Christ its King and Head. He is the living Word of God to whom the written word bears witness.
5.2 The Holy Spirit gives us inner testimony to the unique authority of the Bible and is the source of its power. The Bible, written by human hands, is nonetheless the word of God as no other word ever written. To it no other writings are to be added. The Scriptures are necessary, sufficient, and reliable, revealing Jesus Christ, the living Word.
5.3 Both Old and New Testaments were written within communities of faith and accepted as Scripture by them. Those who seek to understand the Bible need to stand within the church and listen to its teaching.
5.4 The Bible is to be understood in the light of the revelation of God’s work in Christ. The writing of the Bible was conditioned by the language, thought, and setting of its time. The Bible must be read in its historical context. We interpret Scripture as we compare passages, seeing the two Testaments in light of each other, and listening to commentators past and present. Relying on the Holy Spirit, we seek the application of God’s word for our time.

You can find the full text of Living Faith here:…

Minister: Rev. John T. Read