2025 Lent Resources

Life is busy. Most us want to grow in our faith, yet making time is often a challenge. The Season of Lent gives an opportunity to put a special focus on spending time with God and following Jesus more closely.


Presbyterian Lent Book Study
This Lent, join the Presbyterians Read book study discussing Dr. Scott R. Paeth’s introduction to the life, thought and influence of Richard and Reinhold Niebuhr—The Niebuhr Brothers for Armchair Theologians. For more details, how to get a copy of the book, a free study guide, and access to an online discussion go HERE.

Spending Time With Jesus
Plan to spend some extra time with Jesus in the Gospels. How long does it take to read the Gospels? The average person can read Mark (the shortest) in under an hour, and Luke (the one we’re following in worship this year) in 2 to 2.5 hours. Beginning on Ash Wednesday (March 5) there are six weeks in Lent. Read 4 chapters of Luke in a week and you’ll only need to find 3-4 minutes per day, or 20-25 minutes each week.

If you would find it helpful to have a reading guide for the Gospel of Luke, Bible Project has developed one in partnership with the YouVersion Bible App. You can find it HERE. If you’re looking to go deeper in your reading you can get a copy of N. T. Wright’s excellent and easy to read Luke For Everyone.

Praying With Jesus
One of the earliest guides on the Christian life recommended praying the Lord’s Prayer three times each day. Set aside enough time to pray through the Lord’s Prayer slowly and reflect on the words that Jesus has given us. If you would like a guide for your reflections, you can find one in the resources below.

Other Spiritual Practices for Lent
A variety resources for prayer and Bible study and are available from the church office or on the St. Andrew’s website: http://standrews.ws/learning/resources/

St. Andrew’s Spring Textile Drive 2025

The Mission team will be holding the Spring Textile Drive on Sat. April 12th, 2025, 9am-12noon, here at St. Andrew’s.  Acceptable donations include clothes, towels, curtains, linens, bedding (NO PILLOWS) socks, underwear, shoes, purses, belts. All donations are picked up by Canadian Recycling Ltd. The clothing that is usable is sent to Clothing for Charity who distributes it to women’s shelters and burn units.  What is not usable is made into rags. Thank you for your continued support of this worthwhile and environmental initiative.

Sermon for Sunday March 2nd, 2025

On Sunday March 2 we took a pause from Romans to reflect on how we can get the most out of the season Lent. Rev. John Read explains why this 40 day season not only prepares us to celebrate Easter, but is a great opportunity for spiritual growth. Our joint Romans series with our friends from Ancaster Village Church (AVC) with resume next week with a message on Romans 12.

Bible Passages – Luke 4:1-13 | Luke 9:18-27

You can find St. Andrew’s guide to the 2025 Lent Season here:

For other prayer and study resources go to: https://standrews.ws/learning/resources/

To signup to our email newsletter send a message to: standrewsancaster@gmail.com

Sermon for Sunday February 23rd, 2025

On Sunday February 23 we continued into chapters 9-11 of Paul’s Letter to the Romans and explored the relationship between Gentile Christians and the Jewish people. We also discussed the difficult issue of anti-Semitism. St. Andrew’s is working through Romans together with our friends from Ancaster Village Church (AVC). This week’s message was from Rev. John Read of St. Andrew’s.

Bible Passages – Romans 11:1-2, 4-7, 11-13, 16-26, 29-32 | John 4:19-26
(If you have time it’s worth looking at all of Romans 9-11)

Sermon for Sunday February 9th, 2025

On Sunday February 9 we continued into the next two chapters of Paul’s Letter to the Romans (5 and 6) and explored the question of suffering. St. Andrew’s is working through Romans together with our friends from Ancaster Village Church (AVC).

This week’s message was from Rev. Aaron Gerrard of AVC. This video recording is taken from AVC’s afternoon service as we weren’t able to record the message from St. Andrew’s morning service. One benefit is that we get to hear Aaron talk about some meaningful conversations he had with St. Andrew’s members after he preached in the morning.

Bible Passages – Romans 5:3-5 | Isaiah 53:2-9 | Luke 8:22-25

Sermon for Sunday February 2nd, 2025

On Sunday February 2 we circled back to Romans 16 and considered how this passage provides strong Biblical evidence for women’s leadership in Paul’s ministry. Rev. John Read makes the case that the growth of women’s leadership in many churches over the past century is a return to the practice of the earliest years of the Christian faith.

Until Easter St. Andrew’s will be working through Romans together with our friends from Ancaster Village Church (AVC).

Bible Passages – Romans 16:1-16 & Luke: 10:38-42

Sermon for Sunday January 26th, 2025

On Sunday January 26 we started into the next two chapters of Paul’s Letter to the Romans (3 and 4) and explored the concept of privilege. Privilege can so often lead to negative behaviour, but can be used for good when we follow the example given to us by Jesus.

Between now and Easter St. Andrew’s is working through Romans together with our friends from Ancaster Village Church (AVC). This week’s message was from Rev. Aaron Gerrard of AVC.

Bible Passages – Romans 3:9-24, 27-30 & John 13:1, 4-10, 12-15

Sermon for Sunday January 19th, 2025

On Sunday January 19 we started into the first two chapters of Paul’s Letter to the Romans and explored the related themes of God’s judgement and kindness. Between now and Easter St. Andrew’s is working through Romans together with our friends from Ancaster Village Church (AVC). This week’s message was from Rev. John Read of St. Andrew’s. If you missed the introductory conversation between John and Rev. Aaron Gerrard of AVC on January 12, be sure to go back and start there.

Bible Passages – Romans 1:8-19; 2:1-11 & Luke: 18:1-8

Sermon for Sunday January 12th, 2025

On Sunday January 12 we started a new worship series on Paul’s Letter to the Romans. Between now and Easter St. Andrew’s will be working through Romans together with our friends from Ancaster Village Church (AVC). This introductory message is a conversation between Rev. John Read of St. Andrew’s and Rev. Aaron Gerrard of AVC. In the weeks that follow John and Aaron will take turns preaching for both churches.

In this opening conversation Aaron and John explore the question, “Why Romans?” Why talk about Romans today? What excites us about this letter to the early church, and what do we hope will come from this series? Why was Romans written in the first place? And why start Romans from the end (chapter 16) the way we have today?

Romans Resources: The Bible Project has an excellent overview of Paul’s Letter to the Romans in two short videos: https://bibleproject.com/explore/video/romans/ This same page will lead you to some additional resources. There are two helpful videos on New Testament letters in their ‘How To Read the Bible Series: https://bibleproject.com/explore/how-to-read-the-bible/ One of the commentaries John and Aaron are using for this series is Reading Romans Backwards by Scot McKnight.

Sermon for Sunday January 5th, 2025


On the Epiphany Sunday we reflected on the story from Matthew 2:1-18 which includes the visit of the Magi (or Wise Men) as well as the less well known story of Mary, Joseph and Jesus fleeing to Egypt. We considered what this very human story of a family seeking refuge tells us about God’s solidarity with us in Jesus, and how Christians are called to respond to people seeking refuge or just a new home today.

Minister: Rev. John T. Read
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