Sermon For Sunday March 10th, 2024

This is Part 4 of our series for the season of Lent, “Travelling With the King.” We are journeying with Jesus on the road to Jerusalem in chapters 9 and 10 of the Gospel of Mark. This week’s message picks up in Mark 10:17-31 where Jesus lovingly challenges a wealthy person to give away all their possessions to the poor before following him. We consider what this story has to teach us about letting go and trusting God ourselves.

Sermon For Sunday March 3rd, 2024

This is Part 3 of our series for the season of Lent, “Travelling With the King.” We are journeying with Jesus on the road to Jerusalem in chapters 9 and 10 of the Gospel of Mark. This week’s message picks up in Mark 10:1-16 where Jesus speaks about how his followers should approach marriage and respond to children. Jesus presents us with an ideal and goal to pursue, even as he reminds us that God shows compassion for human limitations and weakness.

Sermon For Sunday February 25th, 2024

This is Part 2 of our new Lent series, “Travelling With the King.” We’ll be journeying with Jesus on the road to Jerusalem in chapters 9 and 10 of the Gospel of Mark. This week’s message picks up in Mark9:30-50 where we find Jesus offer some very practical teaching on how to follow his example of humility and service.

Sermon For Sunday February 18th, 2024

With the start of the season of Lent we begin a new worship series called “Travelling With the King.” We’ll be journeying with Jesus on the road to Jerusalem in chapters 9 and 10 of the Gospel of Mark. This week’s message picks up right after the story of the Transfiguration. We follow Jesus down the mountain and into the challenges waiting for him (and us) in Mark 9:9-29.

Presbyterian Response to Discoveries at Residential Schools

The current and former Moderator of General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada have written a letter in response to the finding of the 215 children at Kamloops. The letter can be found here:

In response to the most recent discoveries in Saskatchewan, the Life and Mission Agency of the Presbyterian Church in Canada has made an additional statement that can be found here: 

For more information on the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s role in Residential Schools and our involvement in the Healing and Reconciliation process you can go here: and here:

At St. Andrew’s we grieve for the pain these discoveries have caused Indigenous individuals, families and communities in Canada, even as they confirm what many had long known and believed. We pray for the ongoing work of Reconciliation between the government, churches, and peoples of Canada of settler descent and the Indigenous peoples of this land.