Home Worship – Sunday August 23, 2020

Our Home Worship service for Sunday August 23 will go live on YouTube at 10:30am. If you aren’t able to join us live, a recording will be available Sunday afternoon. The words to the songs in the service will be on the screen.

The service will also be available by telephone for those without internet access. If you or someone you know would like information for how to join us by telephone please email revjohnread@gmail.com by 9:00am Sunday, or call the church office during the week (905-648-6024).

Order of Worship

Gathering Music

 Family Worship Video – “Bricks and Blocks” (available at 9:00am)

Worship Livestream – https://youtu.be/fphnC864kqU

Starts at 10:30am

Recorded Version

Call to Worship – Psalm 37:3-6, 23-24 (NRSV)

Opening Prayer

Hymn – “Be Thou My Vision” #461

Old Testament Reading – Isaiah 50:4-9 (NIV)

Gospel Reading – Matthew 16:21-28 (NIV)

Message – “Rocks and Stumbling Blocks”

Hymn – “Will You Come and Follow Me” #634

Closing Prayer & Blessing



    • Sunday Worship:  Worship on August 30 will be by YouTube Livestream. Worship on September 6 will be a Zoom Communion service. Our services will continue to be online (and telephone) only through to the end of September.
    • Planning for In-Person Worship: In the coming weeks we will be finalizing our health and safety plans, with Sunday October 4th as our target date for a return to in person services. This date has the benefit of giving us 4 weeks to assess how the reopening of schools will affect the public health situation. A letter will be sent to the congregation at the start of September containing the full details of our reopening plans and some questions for feedback. The elders will follow this up with a phone call to every household. Your responses to this letter and telephone survey will help us finalize our plans for October.
    • New Family Worship & Learning Program! Starting, next Sunday August 30, St. Andrew’s will be launching The Big God Project (http://biggodproject.com) for our Family Worship Time. This curriculum combines worship and learning resources that can be used by the whole family. It includes a beautiful video telling of Bible stories, fun games, online resources for crafts and discussion all tied together by a weekly theme that will link adult and children’s learning each Sunday. This resource has been developed locally in Hamilton at Family Church of Heritage Green in partnership with the Presbyterian Church in Canada. If you want to get an idea what this will look like you can check out the Family Time portion of any service on Family Church’s YouTube Channel.


If you would like a phone call in the coming week or need some assistance, please write me an email or give me a call at the number below. If you would like your name, or the name of someone you care about included in our prayers (or simply prayed for by myself or the elders) please let me know that as well.


Grace and Peace,
