Home Worship Recording – September 6, 2020

This Sunday is our second week of the Big God Project: The theme of the service is “God Blesses” and the guiding scriptures is the story of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 15:1-6 & Genesis 21:1-7. The Family Worship video will introduce the theme, which we will explore with more depth in the adult message of the Home Worship Recording of the live Zoom service from this morning.

Order of Service 

Gathering Music


Family Worship Video – “God Blesses” (available at 9:00am)

Home Worship Recording

Call to Worship – Psalm 100 (NRSV)

Opening Prayer

Song – You are My All in All

Old Testament Reading – Genesis 15:1-6 & 21:1-7 (NIV)

Gospel Reading – Matthew 5:1-12 (NIV)

Message – “Believing in the Blessing”

Hymn – Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God

We Celebrate Communion



    • Sunday Worship:  Worship on September 13, 20 & 27 will be by YouTube Livestream. There is also a local telephone option for those without internet access.
    • Planning for In-Person Worship: Sunday October 4th as our target date for a return to in person services. This date has the benefit of giving us 4 weeks to assess how the reopening of schools will affect the public health situation. A letter will be sent to the congregation this week by email and paper mail containing the full details of our reopening plans and some questions for feedback. The elders will follow this up with a phone call to every household. Your responses to this letter and telephone survey will help us finalize our plans for October.

If you would like a phone call in the coming week or need some assistance, please write email revjohnread@gmail.com or call 905-648-6024 and leave a message. If you would like your name, or the name of someone you care about included in our prayers (or simply prayed for by myself or the elders) please let me know that as well.

Grace and Peace,
