Home Worship – Sunday November 6th, 2022


Remembrance Sunday

November 6, 2022


Call to Worship – Psalm 96:1

Hymn: “Rejoice the Lord is King” #267 vs. 1-5

Opening Prayers

Song: “Hope of the Nations”

Time of Remembrance

Opening Remarks

We Remember Our Veterans

Act of Remembrance

Prayer of Remembrance

National Anthem

Family Time: “God’s Kingdom is Everlasting”

Ministry of Music: “God’s Grace Abounds”

Old Testament: Daniel 7:1-3, 9-14

Gospel Reading: Mark 8:27-9:1

Song: “Cornerstone”

Message: “Living for the Kingdom: Trusting the King”

We Respond to God’s Generosity

Sung Response: O Praise The Name

Closing Prayers

Hymn: “Jesus Shall Reign” #275




 Neighbour 2 Neighbour Appeal (AKA Potato Day):

The Annual Howard Atkin Appeal for Neighbour 2 Neighbour will be held on Sunday, November 20th, 2022. This annual event is in memory of Howard Atkin – a beloved former member of St. Andrew’s, who was our last WW2 veteran who saw active duty. Howard began this appeal by asking for bags of potatoes, but today the needs of Neighbour 2 Neighbour are best met by a special offering. If you use regular offering envelopes just write “Potato Day” on the Special Fund line. Otherwise, you can simply use a guest envelope in the pews. To learn more about Neighbour 2 Neighbour go to https://www.n2ncentre.com/