Family Home Worship – October 25, 2020

Here are all your resources for Family Worship & Learning for October 25. The Family Worship video will be available starting at 9:00am on Sunday morning but you can download all the other resources right away. The Bible passages connected with today’s theme are Judges 2 & 4.

Today’s Question

“What is something that made you angry this past week (or month)?”

You can just ask the question together as a family or have your kids fill out the colouring sheet. If you join the St. Andrew’s Family Email list you will be sent the Question on a Thursday and have the opportunity to have your answers included in in the Family Worship Video (which is recorded on Saturday afternoons). To be added to the weekly email send a message to

Question Sheet – Oct 25

Family Worship Video – Available 9:00am Sunday Morning

Crafts, Discussion and Other Activities


1) Slowest Car Race (supplies: toy cars, something sturdy to make a ramp, various craft or household supplies)
2) Slowest Sitter (supplies: none!)
3) What makes God angry collage (various magazines or newspaper, poster board, glue, scissors)
To access the curriculum sheet with an overview of the Big God Theme, craft ideas and discussion questions, as well as a how-to craft video go here:

Home Worship – Sunday October 18, 2020

This Sunday, October 18, we take a look at the Book of Joshua as we continue to make our way through the story of God’s people. This week’s theme is “God Overcomes.”

Our Home Worship service for this week will go live on YouTube at 10:30am. A recorded and edited version will be available early Sunday afternoon. The words to the songs in the service will be on the screen. The service continues to be available by telephone for those without internet access.

Order of Service 

Gathering Music

Family Worship Video“God Overcomes” (available at 9:00am)

Worship Recording

Call to Worship – Psalm 46:1-3, 10-11 (NRSV)

Opening Prayer

Song: “Your Grace is Enough”

Old Testament – Joshua 3:9-17, 6:1-8, 12-16, 20 (NIV)

Gospel Reading – Mark 10:46-52 (NIV)

Message – “Trusting & Overcoming”

Hymn – “Guide Me, O Great Redeemer” #651

Closing Prayer & Blessing


    • Study Leave & Vacation: I will be away from October 20 to November 2. If you are in need of pastoral care please call the church office (905-648-6024) or email Rev. John Hibbs
    • Online Worship: Worship on Sunday October 25 and Sunday November 1 will be led by the Rev. Todd Nelson. Todd is a friend and colleague of mine who was most recently the minister of Knox Presbyterian Church in Acton. The Home Worship Service will premier at 10:30am each Sunday, and you will receive worship information by email on the Saturday evening as normal.
    • Update on In-Person Worship: The Reopening Taskforce met this week, and our assessment is that the public health situation is such that we must continue to postpone the resumption of in-person worship services. At this time, we cannot project when in-person services will resume. The Taskforce will meet again in 2 weeks to reassess the situation, and Session will continue to keep all of you up to date.


Grace and Peace,


Family Home Worship – October 18, 2020

Here are all your resources for Family Worship & Learning for October 18. The Family Worship video will be available starting at 9:00am on Sunday morning but you can download all the other resources right away. The Bible passages connected with today’s theme are Joshua 3 & 6.

Today’s Question

What is something you can do now that you couldn’t do when you were younger?

You can just ask the question together as a family or have your kids fill out the colouring sheet. If you join the St. Andrew’s Family Email list you will be sent the Question on a Thursday and have the opportunity to have your answers included in in the Family Worship Video (which is recorded on Saturday afternoons). To be added to the weekly email send a message to

Question Sheet – Oct 18

Family Worship Video – Available 9:00am Sunday Morning

Crafts, Discussion and Other Activities

1) Ribbon Trumpets (supplies: paper cups, markers, tissue paper, stickers, glue)
2) Tumbling Walls (supplies: various empty boxes)
3) Tumbling Walls option #2 (supplies: playing cards)
To access the curriculum sheet with an overview of the Big God Theme, craft ideas and discussion questions, as well as a how-to craft video go here:

Home Worship – Sunday October 11, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Below you’ll find all the worship resources for today, including a recording of our Zoom Communion service from this morning. Today’s theme is “God Provides” and we continue our short stop in Exodus as we make our way through God’s great story in the Bible.

Order of Service 

Gathering Music

Family Worship VideoGod Provides

Communion Service

Call to Worship – Psalm 107:1-9 (NRSV)

Opening Prayer

Song – “All the People Said Amen”

Old Testament – Exodus 15:22-16:15, 31 (NIV)

Gospel Reading – John 6:25-35 (NIV)

Message – “Grace, Gratitude & Trust”

Hymn: “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

We Celebrate Communion



    • Worship Next Week (October 18) will be by YouTube Livestream.
    • Zoom Coffee Hour: With in person worship services being postponed, we would like to know if you would like to resume having a Zoom Coffee Hour on Sundays when we worship by YouTube Livestream. If you are interested please reply to this email.
    • Thanksgiving Food Drive: If aren’t able to put some fresh food out on your porch for Mission Services tomorrow you can still make a donation by going to:
    • Postponement of In-Person Worship: The Reopening Taskforce and Session will be evaluating the public health situation this week and will continue to so on a regular basis. We will keep the congregation updated regularly as things develop and pray for the second wave of the pandemic to pass as quickly as possible.

Grace and Peace,


Family Home Worship – October 11, 2020

Here are all your resources for Family Worship & Learning for October 11. The Family Worship video will be available starting at 9:00am on Sunday morning but you can download all the other resources right away. he Bible passage connected with today’s theme is Exodus 15:22-16:31. This is our second week in the book of Exodus.

Today’s Question

“What is something you would never eat, even if you were starving?”

You can just ask the question together as a family or have your kids fill out the colouring sheet. If you join the St. Andrew’s Family Email list you will be sent the Question on a Thursday and have the opportunity to have your answers included in in the Family Worship Video (which is recorded on Saturday afternoons). To be added to the weekly email send a message to

Question Sheet – Oct 11

Family Worship Video – Available 9:00am Sunday Morning

Crafts, Discussion and Other Activities

1) Manna Grab (small baskets, cotton balls)
2) Water Hunt (bottle of water)
To access the curriculum sheet with an overview of the Big God Theme, craft ideas and discussion questions, as well as a how-to craft video go here:

Zoom Communion – Sunday October 11, 2020

On Thanksgiving Sunday (October 11), we will be worshiping by Zoom video conference at 10:30am. Our service will include the celebration of communion.

If you aren’t on St. Andrew’s email list and would like to join our service please send an email to by 9:00am Sunday morning. If you aren’t able to join us live, there will be a recorded and edited version of the service posted to YouTube by the early afternoon.

Thanksgiving Food Drive – October 11, 2020

With this weekend being Thanksgiving, we would normally be asking you to bring in your fresh produce on Sunday for our annual food drive for Mission Services. But with in-person services still being on hold due to COVID, we’re going to be doing things a little differently this year.
One of our church families has graciously offered to go door to door on Sunday morning to pick up donations of food and run them down to Mission Services. If you would like to make a food donation please email Rev. Anne Yee-Hibs ( by Saturday October 10 at 5:00pm. In your email please include your home address (just to confirm that what we have in the church directory is correct). Then put your produce outside your front door by 9:00am on Sunday morning.
You can also make a monetary donation directly to Mission Services by going to:
The Mission Team would also like to thank all of you who have generously supported our other mission partners throughout the year, including Ancaster Community Services and Men’s Street Ministry.
We pray that all of you have a good Thanksgiving. We may not be able to be together in person as a church, or even as extended families, but we can still give God thanks and show our gratitude by being generous with others.

Family Home Worship – October 4, 2020

Here are all your resources for Family Home Worship for October 4. The Family Worship video will be available starting at 9:00am on Sunday morning but you can download all the other resources right away. The Bible passage connected with today’s theme is Exodus 7:1-5 which is part of the bigger story of Exodus 1-13. This is the first of two weeks we’ll spend in Exodus.

Today’s Question

“What is something you wish was free?”

You can just ask the question together as a family or have your kids fill out the colouring sheet. If you join the St. Andrew’s Family Email list you will be sent the Question on a Thursday and have the opportunity to have your answers included in in the Family Worship Video (which is recorded on Saturday afternoons). To be added to the weekly email send a message to

Question Sheet – Oct 4

Family Worship Video – Available 9:00am Sunday Morning

Crafts, Discussion and Other Activities

1) Cornstarch mud (supplies: cornstarch, water, bowls)
2) Snake Sticks (supplies: wooden paint stir sticks, markers, googly eyes, red pipe cleaner or paper for tongue, glue)
To access the curriculum sheet with an overview of the Big God Theme, craft ideas and discussion questions, as well as a how-to craft video go here:

Home Worship – Sunday October 4, 2020

Good Evening Everyone,

This Sunday October 4 we continue with Livestreamed Worship, as we’ve had postpone our plans for in-person services. For the time being we will continue with live online worship Sunday morning with edited recordings available Sunday afternoon.

Our Home Worship service for this week will go live on YouTube at 10:30am. The words to the songs in the service will be on the screen. The service continues to be available by telephone for those without internet access.

This week and next we’ll be making a quick tour of the book of Exodus, which begins the story of how God freed his people from slavery in Egypt and led them safely to the Promised Land. The Big God Theme for the day will be introduced in the Family Worship video, and then be expanded upon in the adult message in the live service. This week the theme is “God Frees”.

Order of Service


Gathering Music


Family Worship Video“God Frees” (available at 9:00am)

Worship Recording

Call to Worship – Psalm 146:5-10 (NRSV)

Opening Prayer

Hymn – “Praise to the Lord, The Almighty” #321

Old Testament – Exodus 1:8-14; 3:7-10; 7:1-5 & 12:29-32 (NIV)

Gospel Reading – John 8:31-38 (NIV)

Message – “Freedom & Slavery”

Song: “Great Things”

Closing Prayer & Blessing


    • Postponement of In-Person Worship: The Reopening Taskforce and Session will be evaluating the public health situation again the week after Thanksgiving. However, with the Ontario government declaring that we are in the second wave of the pandemic and increasing public health measures it may be some time before we are able to resume in-person services. Session will keep the congregation updated regularly as things develop.
    • Sunday October 11 will be a Zoom Communion Service. Be sure to pick up some grape juice and bread (or crackers) when you do your grocery shopping this week.


Grace and Peace,


Home Worship – Sunday September 27, 2020

This Sunday September 27 we conclude our worship series on the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis. The Big God Theme for the day will be introduced in the Family Worship video, and then be expanded upon in the adult message in the live service. This week the theme is “God has a Plan,” and music will be provided by the St. Andrew’s band (pre-recorded under safe conditions).

Our Home Worship service will go live on YouTube at 10:30am. If you aren’t able to join us live, a recording will be available Sunday afternoon. The words to the songs in the service will be on the screen. The service continues to be available by telephone for those without internet access.

Order of Worship


Gathering Music


Family Worship Video“God has a Plan” (available at 9:00am)

Family Worship & Learning Resources

Worship Recording

Call to Worship – Psalm 105 (NRSV selected verses)

Opening Prayer

Song & Hymn – “How Great is Our God / How Great Thou Art”

Old Testament Reading – Genesis 45 & 50 (NIV selected verses)

Gospel Reading – Luke 24:36-47 (NIV)

Message – “Good from Evil”

Song: “Plans” (by Tim Hughes)

Closing Prayer & Blessing


    • In-Person Worship Resumes Sunday October 4th: Thank you to everyone who gave feedback on our plans. There will be one service at 10:30 with a maximum attendance of 40. Please RSVP by Saturday afternoon – there will be 35 reservable spaces available, and an additional 5 spaces for visitors or those who forget to RSVP. Details on how to RSVP and fill out the pre-screening questionnaire will be communicated by email and telephone on Wednesday and Thursday.
    • Online Worship Continues: We will continue to offer a dedicated online worship service each week going forward. Family Time videos will be posted to YouTube on Sunday mornings and Worship Videos will be posted on Sunday afternoons. You will receive an email when each service is available. You will also be able to find all worship content on We will be consulting with those without internet on how best to continue our telephone service.
    • Monitoring the Pandemic: Session and the Reopening Taskforce continue to monitor the public health situation. While the higher case numbers in Toronto, Peel and Ottawa are concerning, infection rates in the Hamilton area remain low and the guidelines for houses of worship have not changed. If that situation should change or case levels in Hamilton get out of control, we will adjust our plans accordingly.


Grace and Peace,
